The Great Deformation: The Corruption of Capitalism in America

If you finish The Great Deformation: The Corruption of Capitalism in America, by David Stockman, you should get a t-shirt saying you made it through.  At 700 pages, it’s a journey.  It tells you things about what’s gone on since the Federal Reserve was created, and right through 2012, that you won’t find anywhere in the mainstream media.  You may love it, or it may make you furious, or both, but it will change your perspective.  You might want to take a look at Stockman’s web site and consider signing up for his emails.’s free newsletter offers a free newsletter you might want to check out. Their more or less monthly discussion of what brands are doing to reach customers is worth your time, and the price is right.

Pretty much the only thing I pay for online

Really, really, really want to know what’s going on in the world in a straight forward, no bullshit, analytical way that you won’t come close to hearing in the mainstream media?  Sign up for Stratfor. This is pretty much the only thing I pay for online.  But if you understandably don’t want to pay, there’s a free sign up where you can receive occasional articles.  And if you should decide it’s worth a few bucks, don’t pay the asking price.  They will negotiate!  I know.